European Western Balkans

Ambassadors of the EU and the Netherlands declare: Pardons to be withdrawn completely


meta_maliSKOPJE – EU Ambassador, Aivo Orav and Dutch Ambassador, Wouter Plomp, at today’s debate organized by “Transparency International Macedonia”, declared that the pardons must be withdrawn completely, as it is the only way to avoid selective justice.

The Ambassadors said that all stakeholders must support the work of the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO).

“The European Union clearly announced that selective justice and pardons are not acceptable. The EU together with other international organizations emphasized the importance of the SPO. We call on all sides to stop preventing the SPO from doing their job”, said Ambassador Orav.

Ambassador Plomp also told all parties concerned, to respect the rule of law, and, therefore, fully support the SPO and their work.

“Functional democracy is especially important for all countries that plan to join the EU. Now it is important that all parties concerned respect the rule of law, and, therefore, support the SPO and a comprehensive withdrawal of the pardons granted by the President”, said Ambassador Plomp.

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