European Western Balkans

Dačić, Ivanić: Serbia committed to best political relations with Bosnia-Herzegovina

Dačić and Ivanić; Photo: Serbian MFA
BELGRADE – Serbian Acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić welcomed Mladen Ivanić, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, in Belgrade Thursday, Serbian Government stated.

Dačić and Ivanić discussed bilateral relations, the political situation in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and the situation in the region.

They estimated that good relations between Serbs and Bosniaks are essential for preserving peace and stability in the region, as well as for the overall progress of the Western Balkans’ economies.

Dačić said that Serbia is determined to have the best political and economic relations with Bosnia-Herzegovina, since such good neighbourly relations are in the interest of the Serbian people in Republika Srpska and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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