European Western Balkans

Mogherini: Western Balkans' EU approximation a priority

Federica Mogherini; Photo: European Union

BRUSSELS – HR/VP Federica Mogherini has said the Western Balkans’ approximation to the EU would be one of the two priorities of her work in the period to come, Tanjug reports.
This is a matter of strategic interest to the EU and a finalisation of the idea of a united continent, she said at an annual conference of the Institute for Security Studies on the EU global strategy.

She said that, besides work on EU security and defence, her second priority over the next two years would be to get all six Western Balkan countries closer to the EU and secure this as an irreversible process.

She noted she was not saying this because she saw the Balkans as the most troublesome area of the EU region but because she thought it had the most potential.

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