European Western Balkans

16th anniversary of the signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement

SKOPJE – Today marks the 16th anniversary of the signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement that put an end to the armed conflict in Macedonia in 2001 and has put a framework for a mutual ethnic co-life.

The negotiations began in Skopje and then it continued in Ohrid where it ended on the 10th of August. Three days later, on the 13th of August 2001 at the presidential residence on Vodno in Skopje, the Framework agreement was signed by the then president of Republic of Macedonia, Boris Trajkovski and the former president of VMRO-DPMNE and at the time, the Prime Minister, Ljubčo Georgievski, the president of PDP, Imer Imeri and the then presidents of SDSM, Branko Crvenkovski and of DPA, Arbex Xhaferi.

“This Framework agreement will promote the peaceful and harmonic development of the civic society and it will simultaneously respect the ethnic identity and the interests of all Macedonian citizens” states, among other things, the content of the Agreement.

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