European Western Balkans

Kurti expects to enter office in November, says Thaçi will not lead the dialogue

Albin Kurti; Photo: Flickr / UPF International

PRISTINA – Albin Kurti, the leader of Vetëvendosje, and likely new Kosovo Prime Minister stated that the Community of Serb Municipality is a dead end and that it is a Serbian government’s project, not of Kosovo Serbs, N1 reported.

“It is a Serbian government’s project in Kosovo. This is not the will of the Serb minority in country. There are 132.000 Serbs in Kosovo and they have never wanted the Community. Serbs are claiming their rights, not the chauvinist project of Serbia in Kosovo,” Kurti said.

Kurti said that Vetëvendosje! agreed with the Democratic League of Kosovo that the new government will have 12 ministries and that he expects to officially take over as Prime Minister in November.

He noted that the election campaign in Serbia will begin in January, and that, therefore, the expectation that the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo will be reached soon are unrealistic.

“We know what is the nationalist statements during a elections campaign in that country”, Kurti stated.

According to N1, Kurti said that the Pristina’s Constitutional Court unequivocally stipulated that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on the normalisation of relations was in the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister and not the President.

Asked what would he do if the international mediators invited President Hashim Thaçi, who had led the dialogue with Serbia’s counterpart Aleksandar Vučić so far, Kurti said that would have violated Kosovo’s Constitution.

“If that happens, that will be the breach of the Constitution. The Constitutional Court has decided that the dialogue with Serbia should be led by a prime minister. Hashim Thaçi is the President, but he is not in charge of foreign policy”, Kurti said.

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