European Western Balkans

Political groups in the EP have agreed on the positions of Rapporteurs for the Western Balkans

European Parliament; Photo: Wikipedia

BRUSSELS – Political groups in the European Parliament have agreed on the distribution of the positions of the Rapporteurs for the Western Balkan countries, European Western Balkans has learned. It has been decided that the Rapporteurs for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo will be from the European People’s Party (EPP), the largest group in the EP, while the Rapporteurs for Albania and Serbia will come from the Socialists and Democrats group (S&D).

In addition, an MEP of the “Renew Europe” will get the position of Rapporteur for Montenegro, and the Rapporteur for North Macedonia will be a representative of the Greens/EFA group. The names of the new Rapporteurs should be known by the end of the year.

The EP Rapporteurs are, among other things, responsible for drafting the annual Reports on the situation in the EU candidates or aspiring countries. When writing the Report, they may consult with relevant experts and other stakeholders. They are also responsible for writing so-called “compromise amendments” to the Draft Reports and conducting negotiations with “Shadow Rapporteurs”, appointed by other parliamentary groups.

The Reports drafted by the Rapporteurs are first adopted by the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET), and then debated and voted on in the plenary.

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