European Western Balkans

Vujanović: Russia will accept our membership in NATO

Filip Vujanović; Photo: Tanjug

PODGORICA – In eleven years since regaining independence, Montenegro has achieved its strategic goals in foreign policy, said Montenegrin President Filip Vujanović, underlining the key goal – balanced development of the country and social justice. Speaking of divides in Montenegro, he said they have a historic foundation, CdM reports.

Speaking of the future relations between Moscow and Podgorica, Vujanović said that we need to accept Russia’s reactions with full responsibility of the state.

“Geopolitical frame is set to change, and Russia will have to accept it as a fact. Our membership in NATO does not mean we can not have good relations”, the President said.

He said that we made a lot of progress in economy. GDP rised, as well as national pensions and salaries. We have a steady growth of investments, and well developed tourist industry.

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