European Western Balkans

Macedonia – To Be Main Item on EU Council Meeting on Monday

meta_maliBRUSSELS – The Foreign Affairs Council for the European Union will be meeting on June 20 in Luxembourg and have scheduled a session to discuss the current situation in Macedonia.

The discussion on Macedonia will be an item on the agenda, but will be a focal point of the session.

The Foreign Ministers of the member states will discuss Macedonia under the proposal of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, and should give a recommendation in the form of a conclusion on the situation in Macedonia.

Regarding sanctions on Macedonia due to the political crisis, the council would require unanimous consent from all EU Member States.

Even though Macedonia is the focal point of the session, there are many other items on the agenda, Foreign Ministers will also be discussing the peace process in the Middle East, the current situation in Sahel, the integrated policy for the Arctic and training missions for the security forces in Libya.

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