European Western Balkans

Dačić: Serbia’s priorities preservation of sovereignty, European integration

Ivica Dačić; Photo: Tanjug
BELGRADE – Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić held Monday a lecture to students of the Vienna Diplomatic Academy and students of the Department of International Relations of the Clemson University, who visited the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of traditional study visits to the countries of the Western Balkans, Serbian Government reports.

On this occasion, Dačić informed students about the priorities of Serbia’s foreign policy.

He highlighted the strong commitment of Serbia to work on preservation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity through active diplomatic engagement, on the continuation of Serbia’s European path towards full membership and the stabilisation of the situation in the Western Balkans.

The First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that Serbia is a credible partner that has a capacity for realistic assessment of the situation in international relations and pragmatic approaches to problem solving in collaboration with partner countries, which has been particularly evident during the migrant crisis.

Pointing to the revival of certain historical projects that would create new national borders in the Balkans, he warned that this could be a challenge of the widest scale and that such ideas should be taken back to where they belong – in the past, and the world should turn to cooperation and development to the overall benefit of citizens of the entire region.

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