European Western Balkans

The EU to opposition: Resolve political situation in Parliament

Montenegro continues to negotiate about the Chapters 23 and 24 with the European Commission

PODGORICA – The discussion in Parliament is the only solution for the current political situation in Montenegro, said the representatives of the European Union.

During the last two days, the head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro Aivo Orav and ambassadors of EU member states held separate meetings with leaders of opposition parties represented in Parliament – Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Democrats (DCG), Socialist People’s Party (SNP), Democratic Front (DF), Demos, the URA Civic Movement and United Montenegro.

EU representatives pointed out the importance of Montenegro’s future in the EU and underscored the positive message to the countries of the Western Balkans, particularly Montenegro, which European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made in his recent speech on the state of the Union.

“Montenegro’s progress in the accession process will continue to be determined by the speed of implementation of reforms to meet the conditions for EU membership,” EU representatives stressed.

It was particularly emphasised that Montenegro should give priority to achieving tangible results in the field of the rule of law, including the judiciary and basic rights.

EU representatives pointed out that it was important that all political parties participate in a constructive dialogue aimed at finding a solution to the current political situation in Montenegro, which is the message that could previously be heard from the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, commissioner Johannes Hahn and the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani.

“Such discussions should be held in Parliament and a solution should be reached by Montenegro as a country that is negotiating membership in the European Union,” EU representatives emphasised.

EU representatives called to mind that international observers, particularly the OSCE/ODIHR monitoring mission, assessed that general elections in October 2016 were held in competitive circumstances and largely implemented with respect to fundamental freedoms. They also pointed out that it was essential for Montenegro to effectively implement OSCE/ODIHR’s recommendations regarding elections.

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