European Western Balkans

Žbogar and EU ambassadors called for the elections to be without intimidation and violence

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SKOPJE – Today, the EU delegation and the embassies of EU member states announced that the local elections on October 15th and 29th October are an opportunity for citizens to express their views on the direction in which their municipalities should move in the future.

“The EU encourages political leaders, their parties and relevant stakeholders to use the electoral process to confirm and demonstrate their commitment to democratic values and the rule of law. We call on political leaders and party members to allow holding elections without intimidation and violence”, said the joint statement.

The EU Delegation and the embassies reiterated the importance of making a clear division between state and party activities and resources before, during and after the elections.

“We call on the media to provide the public with diverse and objective information that they need to make an informed decision on election day. We underline the importance of international electoral observers, especially the OSCE / ODIHR. Every vote is important. We call on all citizens to fulfill their democratic right to vote and therefore shape the future of their municipalities”, said the statement.

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