European Western Balkans

Vučić: Accession to the EU is our policy

Aleksandar Vučić; Photo: European Union

BAKU – Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić on Tuesday urged members of the government to respect the policy of Serbia’s EU path and said the policy would not change or depend on the wishes of any politician.

“The EU is our policy, but so is maintaining and improving the friendships with traditional friends and allies such as Russia and China. This policy is determined by the Serbian institutions and it will not be changed by the wishes of any politician in Serbia,” Vučić told reporters in Baku.

Vučić was responding to comments in German media about a potential change in Serbia’s policy following Minister Aleksandar Vulin’s reaction to a recent interview by Sem Fabrizi, head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.

“We are on the European path and I am completely sure we are on a good path,” Vučić said.

Commenting on Fabrizi’s statement, he said it was true that Kosovo was a stumbling block on Serbia’s EU path.

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