European Western Balkans

Darmanović: Montenegro in NATO by the end of May

Flags of Montenegro and NATO; Photo: NATO

cdm logoPODGORICA – Montenegro received guarantees that the US Senate will ratify the NATO Accession Protocol, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđa Darmanović in an interview for Reuters, Montenegrin CDM reports.

He said that he was expecting Montenegro to become a full fledged member by the end of May. He said that they received a 100% guarantee that the US Senate would ratify the Protocol.

He denied claims that the ratification could be victim to Trump’s administration desire to improve relations with Russia.

“We understand that Trump wants to improve relations in Russia, especially when it comes to war on terrorism, but we do not see signs that point to sacrificing basic US national interests”, Darmanović said.

He reminded that out 28 NATO members, four have not ratified yet, out of procedural reasons – the US, Canada, Netherlands and Spain.

“We expect audition at the next summit in the end of May. It is reasonable to expect that all the procedures would be finalized by then”, Darmanović said.

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